File uploader Pro is simply the best Wordpress Front End plugin allow users to upload and manage files of any type like PDF, Images, Docs, Sheets, Videos etc.
How it works:
File uploader is rendered using a simple shorcode: `[nm-wp-file-uploader]`. This shortcode outputs a template contains two sections:
- Upload area
- Download/Manage files
Upload section
This contains HTML 5 based (best secure upload script) upload form. All elements on this form can be set using plugin option page in admin. Following screenshot is describing most of it’s part:
Download section
Once file uploaded it can be accessed and managed by owner/wp-user. User can download, delete, share etc files. Following screenshot will show most of the features:
File meta:
unlimited file meta can be attached with each file. These meta is generated by admin using admin options. Seven types of input can be attached to capture file meta. Following screenshot is showing plugin option:
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- Upload button title
- Upload button font color
- Upload button background color
- Max filesize (each file)
- Max files limit = 5
- Upload background color change
- Message control on success and error
- Image thumb
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- Min files limit
- Max file upload limit set
- Secure download link
- Admin email notification/alert
- Share file (user can send file in email)
- File meta attachment (Awesome feature)
- File sorting, searching, pagination
- Admin: disable/enable upload/download section
- Admin: Allow users to upload files even not registered (public)
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[big_button link=”″ tooltip=”Buy File Uploader from Secure Gateway” color=”067EBD”] $35.00 USD Buy Now [/big_button] Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by N-Media.
Some Technical Information
All files are saved within wordpress uploads directory. Each user has its own directory so it can be easily organized and navigate if needed. All input fields (when using File Meta feature) are senatized/validated to prevent from bad scripting injections. The files list design is based on ul/li. No tables are used from Pro version 7. So it renders very quickly and can be easily seen using mobile devices.
[featured title=”Demo” bg=”34667d” color=”b3dff4″ width=”100%” ribbon=”13″]
[big_button link=”” tooltip=”Test drive” color=”067EBD”] Demo[/big_button]