Personalized Woostore Guide
WOOHero is like a Swiss Army knife for WooCommerce. WooHero holds a bunch of features of many small plugins. Change labels of buttons of every WooCommerce element like add to cart etc. Product tabs, inquiry forms can also be generated with WOOHero. A very lightweight plugin using WooCommerce hooks.
Cart Page
Checkout Page
My Account Page
Order Details
Single Product Page
— Product Specific Setting
Now you can add contents against specific product using following method: All your contents here | PRODUCT IDs Like: Your contents and even shortcodes | 44,46
Now these message/strings will only be shown against product having IDs 44 and 46.
Global Settings
Now any string/text can be changed using WooStore Customizer. Following steps are given to change ‘Billing details’ or ‘Your order’ on Checkout page text can be changed like shown in the screenshot:
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