1. Withdrawal Overview
  2. Withdrawal Modes
    1. Manual Withdrawal
    2. Periodic Withdrawal
    3. Withdrawal by Order Status
  3. Withdrawal Approve
  4. Withdrawal Threshold
    1. Withdrawal Vendor Setting
  5. Withdrawal Requests
    1. Withdrawal Requests – Vendor
    2. Withdrawal Requests – Admin
  6. Withdrawal – Transactions
    1. Transaction Invoice

1.Withdrawal Overview

Commission disbursal is one of the most important features for any multi-vendor site and WCFM Marketplace allows this by withdrawal mode wherein vendor has to request for payment and you ( or admin) can process the funds accordingly.

2.Withdrawal Modes

WCFM provides flexible modes for withdrawal and this serves as the most important criteria for withdrawal disbursal. Following modes are allowed by WCFM currently: 

i) Manual Withdrawal

ii) Periodic Withdrawal

iii) By order Status

One can select the mode from the drop-down available here: WCFM Admin Dashboard >> Settings >> Withdrawal settings.
withdrawal mode dropdown