Best way to manage file with WordPress File Manager by Members

File manager

File Manager

File Manager|File managing systems need to be advanced and efficient these days because everything is becoming internet-based. Cloud-based systems are preferred, and multiple people are there to use that same spot. Some examples highlighting the issues that they face are listed in the following paragraph.

As a website owner, managing files can be a daunting task. Whether you need to upload images, documents, or other media, it’s important to have an efficient system in place. That’s where WordPress File Manager by Members comes in.

This powerful plugin provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage all your files directly from your WordPress dashboard. In this article, we’ll explore the best ways to use WordPress File Manager by Members to streamline your file management process.

   Modern education requires online project assigning and submission to be fast, easy and private. Assignment submissions don’t have to be public to prevent plagiarism. This can be done with private messages but what if the teacher doesn’t want his number to go public. So there is this requirement of a feature where all the students are added and the teacher can assign them work, and students can submit it too.

In the case of companies, coordination between all the employees is a hard thing to do. Any of them might need to ask something from their boss or they might need to get something approved, urgently sometimes. Not only that, people these days, preferred to get their work done online rather than going into the office.

With this influx of people, the instant problem is inefficient file management. For the convenience of the client, it is important that his file should be managed in a way that when he logs back in, he can see all of his files there. 

How to Install and Set Up WordPress File Manager by Members

N-media , noticing these issues, have worked upon the idea of saving time and increasing productivity, and really have taken care of ease in file managing. We ended up making this amazing plugin that will assist inefficient management of multiple files, simultaneously. We have here, the one of its type: WP Frontend File upload and download manager.

How to Install and Set Up WordPress File Manager by Members

If you’re new to WordPress File Manager by Members, the first step is to install and set it up on your website. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Search for “WordPress File Manager by Members”.
  4. Click “Install Now” and then “Activate”.

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you’ll be prompted to configure its settings. You can do this by going to Settings > WP File Manager in your WordPress dashboard.

  With this plugin (File Manager) installed, Admin can make any document private or public. For example: assignments can be shown to everyone else if the teacher wants, once everybody has submitted them. In the other situation, the boss could be the admin and all the employees could be the group members. If there is something confidential and requires urgent work, this plugin would be really helpful because the admin can hide or show the documents shared for specific people. With this, we have made uploading and downloading easier too.

Just click the button and choose the file. This is all you need to do. The file managing ability of this plugin will help a lot. Word, Excel, sheet, pdf, or any other type of file can easily be maintained. By creating multiple groups on the backend, and giving access to the specific people. All in all, it will help you manage hundreds of different files at the same time.

    With this, things could get on a smooth roll without the hindrance which inability of file managing caused. And above all, it is easy to use, it is advanced and it is compatible with your needs, and your software too. Do check it out because it really does make the difference.

To download this plugin, click on the link below:

Uploading and Managing Files with WordPress File Manager by Members

With WordPress File Manager by Members installed and configured, you’re ready to start managing your files. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Uploading Files – To upload a file, simply click the “Upload” button in the top left corner of the File Manager screen. You can then select the file you want to upload from your computer or drag and drop it into the upload box.
  2. Creating Folders – To keep your files organized, you can create folders by clicking the “New Folder” button in the top left corner of the File Manager screen. You can then name your folder and drag and drop files into it.
  3. Editing Files – If you need to make changes to a file, you can do so by clicking on the file in the File Manager screen and then clicking the “Edit” button. You can then make changes to the file and save them.
  4. Deleting Files – To delete a file, simply click on it in the File Manager screen and then click the “Delete” button. You’ll be prompted to confirm the deletion before the file is permanently removed.

Advanced Features of WordPress File Manager by Members

Advanced Features of WordPress File Manager by Members

In addition to the basic file management features we’ve already covered, WordPress File Manager by Members also includes several advanced features that can help you take your file management to the next level:

  1. Access Control – With this feature, you can restrict access to certain files or folders based on user roles. This can be useful if you have sensitive files that you only want certain users to be able to access.
  2. File Compression – WordPress File Manager by Members allows you to compress files and folders to save space on your server. This can be especially useful if you’re working with large files or have limited storage space.
  3. File Encryption – If you need to keep your files secure, you can use WordPress File Manager by Members’ encryption feature. This encrypts your files so that only authorized users can access them.

FAQs about WordPress File Manager by Members

FAQs about WordPress File Manager by Members


Q: Is WordPress File Manager by Members free to use?


A: Yes, WordPress File Manager by Members is a free plugin that you can download from the WordPress plugin repository.


Q: Can I use WordPress File Manager by Members to manage files on a multisite network?


A: Yes, WordPress File

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