is my favorite number and I am just launching Pro Version 7 of N-Media File Uploader WP Plugin. So I decided to put extra ordinary features in this version 7. Following are the features in this version
Table of Contents
ToggleIf user has long list of files then he has to scroll down all the way to see all files . But now being admin you can set files listing per page in plugin option page. Plugin generates pagination controls at the bottom of files list.
In older version when save or delete files the entire page refreshed and pull all the information from server again and it put extra load to server. Now data will be saved and deleted without refreshing all page, only little of piece of data being sent to server to update data (saving, deleting). No extra HITS to server! Also give awesome look to user to see file being saved or deleted with FADDING EFFECT.
If users want to download multiple files, he had to click each file to download. But you know Seven is my Lucky number, so in this version 7 another great control is put for users to download selected files as one ZIP archive.
In older we have been using HTML Table structure to render all files list and sometimes it was problem for some wp themes to render it properly. Now files list are being rendered using HTML <ul><li> structure for fast output. It will also work find for devices like Ipad, Iphone etc.
Another section is created in admin under plugin options to see statistics. Means how many files are being uploaded by each user. And if admin wants to download all files of a user as zip he can do that easily. Similarly all files of a user can be deleted in a single click.
To give more control to admin, from file statistics section admin can download all files of a user as ZIP archive. Similarly all files of a user can also be deleted at once rather then delete one by one.