OrderConvo Version 8 Ready for Beta


The best version of orderconvo is ready for beta, Try OrderConvo version 8 now!!

The ability to coordinate with your customers after they place the order in a very understandable yet productive way is the potential of OrderCovno. Guess what, it just got better, a hundred times. We are very excited to announce that OrderConvo Version 8 is ready for Beta version. It is publically available for all the users who are already using the following features/plugins/Add-ons: :

  • Free feature/version
  • Pro Features/version
  • Yith Multivendor Add-on
  • Dokan Multivendor Add-on

Ready to access it, click now!!!!!

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What makes version 8 the new beast?

OrderConvo version 8 is built with the latest ReactJS and Material UI. Guess what, it is smoother, efficient and effective than ever. It is a much more beautiful and faster single page application using WordPress REST API calls. As you use the Beta version and provide us with your feedback, we get your feedback and we will make it perfect before launch.


When’s the launch expected?

It will officially be launched in mid of January 2023. The free version will be pushed in WordPress repository as usual and the Pro version will be updated on N-Media site and Client Portal.

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The following are the screenshots of the new version.

We will love your feedback, please contact us here.