Website development with Wordpress

Wordpress is not just blog, due to interest of millions of developers this has been grown up a giant tree. Wordpress is serving in almost all domains in websites development. Thousands of plugins and themes are being developed by open source community and available for free of course. Even a novice user can easily setup a website using Wordpress. A great help is also available on

If you look at the site, here’s the official definition:

WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.

How it works?

Static HTML pages are file based, mean everything you put as content is saved in file. Whereas in CMS like Wordpress data is saved in Database which can be change very easily over and over again. You Don’t need to go into files to makes changes.

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Is it for me?

  • Have a small 3-5 page site that you want to have more control over?
  • Do you have content that changes on a regular basis (events calendar, etc.)
  • Do you want to add a blog to an existing site?

Then YES, absolutely WordPress is for you.

Over the next few posts I’m going to be talking about hosting, installation,