WooCommerce Personalized Products New Version 2.0.8 is out

Hello there, we just launched new version of WooCommerce Personalized Product Option Manager. This update has following features:

  • As we are using HTML5 based uploader, but IE doesn’t not support this. So now a fallback function is added which will render Flash based file uploader for IE or any other device/browser not supported for HTML5.
  • There were an issue when using Simple Type Products, all meta data were not carry on Cart/Checkout/Email. Only Variable Type product’s data were shown. Now All meta data can be shown on Cart/Checkout/Email.
  • Thumbs for image will also be shown on Cart/Checkout pages. But Email will only have Images/Files names.
  • FIXED: There were issue when Capital File Types were used. Now JPG or any other Captilized File type is converted into small.

Table of Contents



cart page checkout page after checkout page email with meta data