WordPress Front-end File Upload Manager: Specifications


WP Front end File Upload Manager and Download Manager plugin

WP Front end File Upload Manager and Download Manager plugin allow users to upload files, create directories using most secure Upload script. Each user can manage his file privately.

Professionals, these days, are relying more and more on internet and cloud based systems because of its easy and fast accessibility, and convenience that it offers. But, when this increases excessively, managing these files on the internet becomes a real problem.

It wasn’t just about uploading and storage issues, it is all about maintaining those files. Giving access to specific people is almost impossible, which in some cases is a necessity. And, also control is not in one hand. 

N-Media as always, worked on the idea of creating something that really provides you ease in managing files. We created a plugin that works in multiple ways and is simple as well as fast. We made this great plugin, the WordPress Front End File Manager.

You can download the pro version from the link below:

N-Media Front-End File Upload Manager plugin allows users to manage files into any WordPress site after login or even guest upload files without accessing the dashboard/admin.

Admin has full control over the file uploaded by users from the dashboard. We have added plenty of options to make this plugin the best, simple and super-fast. Please read below to use this plugin.

Creating a Front-end Page

It’s really easy to create a Front-end File Upload Manager Page for the users where they can upload their files, just follow these couple of steps:

  1. Create New Page
  2. Paste shortcode [nm-wp-file-uploader]

That’s all. You can see the beautiful File Upload Manager Front-end ready with it.

General Settings

Some of the major highlights and their work are as follow:

1-File Type Limits

Since it’s all about the file management, it is important that file type shall be defined clearly. This will help easy access to all the members there. Admin can set file types, excel, pdf, word etc; restricting the uploader on the specified files which will prevent problems afterward.

2-File Size limit

Not only can the admin select the file type, file size can also be maintained. Admin can put up limits, restricting the uploader to stay in the given size. This will increase efficiency on both, uploading and downloading, and also will help manage files in the system easily.

3-File Upload limits and File limits

Admin do have the choice of restricting the uploader to a certain amount of files when he uploads. This can be set according to the requirements, leaving the uploader to be concise yet brief. It is not that one certain number selected will be for all the members, but it can be maintained according to each participant’s requirement.

File Limits are the total number of files a single user can upload. E.g: if any user is required to not upload more than  10 files, the admin can set ‘File Limits’ to 10.Will definitely be time-saving for a lot of people in the group.

We have another great feature for ‘File Limit’ by role so admin can set limits based on the role instead of setting it for all the users of the site. This option can be found by going to Advance option and selecting Roles and limits. Max. Files is the option where you will set this.

4-Default Directory

This is one of the unique features that this plugin (File Upload Manager) has to offer. Admin can set a default directory for any user classified by role. Like if a student wants to upload projects and assignments and then there should be two directories already created for him by the admin. This is what  exactly can be done under this setting.This will help a lot in file management.

5-Email Notification

As you might have guessed, with this feature admin can enable Email notification for uploaded files. This is not just what it offers. Admin can also choose recipients whom he wants to receive the notifications alongside himself. Will definitely increase efficiency in the system.

6-File Groups

It is just like categories, where the admin can set the types of files to be uploaded in specific groups. This will help a lot in management as types of files will be restricted in their specific space only. All of these groups will be directly in control of the admin.

Another way to link files under groups is to add Group IDs within the shortcode so every uploaded file will be linked to that group. More details on this feature is explained in the link below:

7- Delete Files

All members can delete their own files. What this feature allows the admin to do is that he can disable delete for some files. With this, those files can not be deleted even if the uploader wants to. 

By default, the file owner/member can delete their files and they should be. But if the admin wants to restrict file delete after uploading, then this feature is available in this plugin as well.

8-File directory

This feature will enable the admin to maintain file directories which will help a lot more in file management.

All in all, it will definitely ease you a lot with file management. So, get this plugin and ease your mind, take the leap; and succeed in whatever you are planning for! 

 Stay tuned for the articles coming up about the advanced features in the File Manager Addons:

  1. File Revision Add-on
  2. Download Manager Add-on
  3. User Specific Add-on
  4. Amazon S3 Upload Add-on
  5. Water-mark Add-on
  6. Table View Add-on