Wordpress Member Registration Plugin Version 1.1

Wordpress Simple Member Registration plugin version 1.1 is ready with following couple of features.

  1. Restrict Page Access
    1. For members only
    2. Role based restriction
  2. Registration with a Role

Restrict Page Access

Now admin can restrict page access for public users. Either site members can access these pages. And Role based access can also be set in PRO version. User will be redirected to Login page if page is set to ‘Members only’. In case of Roles restriction members will see a message like ‘You are not allowed to see these contents’. This message can be customized in plugin options page.

Registration with a Role

It’s a very cool feature introduced in this version. If admin need to register a user within a specific role e.g. all registers members should have role: ‘Author’ then following shortcode will do the trick:

[nm-wp-registration role="author"]

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Wordpress Member Registration Plugin