WordPress Private Messages with File Attachment
Members private messaging within your site.
Members can send messages with files/images attached to each other. It’s very simple and light plugin to setup. Customization allow admin to control files type, size etc.
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This plugin renders a form with ‘Inbox & Compose’ message tabs. Only registered members can send messages to each other with file attachment. Email notification is sent each time a message is sent to members.
- Autocomplete users list
- Restrict communication roles based
- Filetype & Size control
Plugin Features
- Autocomplete users list
- File Attachment
- Conversation detail in Admin
- Email alert on each message
- Customized email templates
- Sorting ascending/descending
- New conversation notification
- All conversations list in admin
- Multi Language supported
- Smooth pagination
- WP Codex data validation
- No spamming
Plugin Screenshot
[vcex_image_carousel items=”1″ img_size=”full” thumbnail_link=”lightbox” image_ids=”9190,9191,9192,9193,9194″ lightbox_skin=”minimal”]
Change Log
Change Log in 2018
July 9, 2018: Version 2.0 is out with following Features and Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixed: Deprecated functions removed
- Feature: All new scripting
- Feature: Bootstrap with DataTables
- Feature: Fast UI
Version 1.7 is out with following Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixed: There was an issue if Admin replies and then delete it, other user replies again to this then Admin only get notification all the time but can’t see it. So it is fixed
Version 1.6 is out with following Features
- Feature: Now you can place new message alert anywhere in site using shortcode [nm-convo-alertbox pageurl=”http://domain.com/convopage_url”]
Version 1.5 is out with following Features
- Feature: Multi language support is updated
Version 1.4 is out with following Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixed: douplaod.php and uploadify files have been removed and use wp core security
Version 1.3 is out with following Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixed: Javascript bug is removed
Version 1.2 is out with following Feature and Bug Fixes
- Feature: Email notification feature is activated
- Bug Fixed: Unread message bug is removed
Version 1.1
- It is just born, will grow with time
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